This text can be copied and used in external documents. A tool on the Instructor can gather wind & OAT data from the internal planet weather model along the coordinates of the active FMC route and then fill a special text field on the Instructor screen with the scanned data.The Wind & OAT corridor tools (advanced weather simulation).NG FMCs also work with conventional CRT CDUs - those just show all text in green.LCD CDUs show text from the NG FMCs in multicolor.The flight deck may be equipped with LCD CDUs (liquid crystal displays).And many other new details are included in the NG FMC.Four FIX INFO pages and additional data entry formats.Data uplinks of alternate airports short-list, long-list, and inhibits.New TAKEOFF REF pages with more parameters and with data uplink functions.New PERF INIT page with data uplink functions.POS REF pages and NAV OPTION page with more control functions.New pages for the enroute management of alternate airports and diversions.Airline policy pages with editable TO 1 / TO 2 thrust derate values etc.Top of descent after level-off segments in descent.Second top of descent for deceleration phase at cruise altitude.Vectors can be manually entered automatic intersection calculation etc.Speed-only constraints are allowed in climb and descent.Cruise speed segments (CSS) option with ECON, LRC, Mach, RTA.Automatic FMC command speed changes at flap profile points.FMC computed flap profile points on the ND.Holding pattern entry guidance on the ND.Change-over guidance on the ND for offset route transitions.VNAV off-idle thrust descent for better speed control.

747 precision simulator manual manual#
These new elements for the B744 are now modeled in Precision Simulator and are described in this NG FMC Manual this manual does not discuss functions that are already included in the legacy FMC.

747 precision simulator manual upgrade#
The NG FMC incorporates more memory, faster processors, and new software that provides enhanced LNAV/VNAV guidance to the autopilots, many additional textual controls to the CDUs, and more routing features to the navigation displays (note that the NG FMC upgrade for the B744 is slightly less comprehensive than the FMS of the B74-8 that would require further hardware components, and B744 aircraft are not fitted with that hardware). Many useful functions regarding flight safety and pilot assistance have been added as well. The NG FMC also provides more data uplink features for the preflight and inflight phases. The upgrade was necessary because modern ATC procedures require a higher navigation performance. Most B744 aircraft in the real world are now equipped with NG FMCs. The existing control display units (CDUs) on the flight deck need not be replaced - they are compatible with the NG FMCs. The upgrade replaces the two legacy FMC units in the main equipment center with two NG FMC units. All previous versions in this context are called "Legacy FMC". In 2012 and following years, Boeing and Honeywell introduced new hardware and several software revisions for the B744 FMS under the title NG FMC, short for "Next Generation Flight Management Computer". It enables the simulation of the B744 NG FMC and provides bonus features described below. "NG FMC and More " is an upgrade package for PSX.